From the women in Western Michigan to the women and children in Iraq

Puppets Donated by the
Pi Lambda Theta HI Chapter

72 Puppets created by the 3rd grade class at Tuckahoe Elementary
School in Arlington, VA

Grant Cole of Cole Auctions with MSG Bruce Reges
Puppets Created by Children for Peace Through Puppets
Adventureland Puppets
Susan Auerhan, Arlington, VA
Gail Kearns - BGOP
Barefoot Puppets - Richmond, VA
Boston Area Guild of Puppetry
Beth, Robert, Gracie and Simone Burchard,
Washington, D.C.
Chicagoland Puppetry Guild
Cole Auction, Benzonia, MI
The Cottonheads - Pine Level Free Will Baptist Church, Smithfield, NC
Jean Emmi - Annandale, VA
Faith Thrift Store - Herndon, VA
Steve Gottlieb - Smoke Out Productions
Nancy Smith - Great Arizona Puppet Theatre - Phoenix, AZ
Annabel Griffiths - Detroit Puppet Guild
Heaven's Loving Hands Puppet/Drama Ministry -
Titusville, Pa
Herndon Harbor House Residents' Association
Mark Keeler - The Yippee Show - Coopersburg, PA
Little Lambs Preschool - Huntington, MD
Carole & Kate Popa & the Girl Scout Troop 976
Jeanne Leckert - The Puppet Lady - Fairfax, VA
Marion Purtell
Rotary Club of Windward Oahu Sunrise, Oahu, HI
Lynn Sliski - Marionette Star Theatre - Concord, NC
Shepherd of the Valley Preschool - Albuquerque, NM
Moe Gans-Pomerantz -
The Small Actors Studio, LLC
Pawcatuck, CT
Springfield Auxilliary to Post No. 7327 - Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U.S., Springfield, VA
Tuckahoe Elementary School - Arlington,
Western Michigan Quilters
The Zenith 4-H Club & Hanah O'Connell - Kensington, MD
Donated by Heidi Rugg
of Barefoot Puppets, Richmond
Puppets Donated by Lynn Sliski
Lynn has donated several
boxes of puppets!
Puppets Donated by the Rotary Club
of Windward Oahu Sunrise. Puppets
Were created by the third grade
students at Maunawili
Elementary School |